Our core values
1. Integrity
Fairness and decency in all relationships.
Transparent and accurate financial reporting.
Integrity in our behaviour and good stewardship of all resources in our care.
2. Life
Respect for life, including transplant needy patients, their families, Organ Donor Families and all who contribute to patient well-being and the success of Organ transplantation.
3. Advocacy
Engagement with the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Commissioner for Health to articulate the Federations position on all matters concerning Organ Donation, Procurement and Transplantation.
To actively encourage Organ Donor awareness through our National Association membership.
4. Membership Support
To enhance our ability to provide help, support, guidance and information to our National Association membership and to all who contact us.
To encourage the rehabilitation of transplant recipients through medication compliance, fitness and sport.